Once the girl back to the girls near the bell rings and they return to the classrooms, talking about the childishness of the words spoken by the boy, she attends the class quiet, the only thing that was annoying was Vinicius and some girls whispering and looking at her classes and she just a little conversation with the teacher, and arranges things out.
Canora runs back home closes all the curtains and take the little golden chest, put it over the table, get some tools from his father and tries to open it. But the lock is still going strong.
- The stupid lock! - A girl looks for the item. - Wait where's the lock?
She looks and looks, many other ways to open the chest, but none work. Canora is staring at the small object, and see something tiny writing.
"Your mind can I open my way I can go, but for me the gates of destiny beyond, a small object that must guide me."
Canora know nothing than to be read, then grab the chest and puts it into the messy cupboard under all her clothes to die down, and go prepare something to eat. But she does not stop thinking on what you read, it passes all afternoon thinking about the puzzle, the night begins to get dark and starts to get hold of the house and suddenly the songbird a cry that echoes through all the rooms empty.
- Yes, that's it!
The girl runs to her room, opens her wardrobe white, and start playing all the clothes found on the floor until the small chest, she gets down to the room and puts him over the table kneels and speaks in a voice High:
Key - yes it's a key!
The box opens and inside the chest is a small black key, it looks closely reaches out toward the key, but hesitates, thinks that doing well in and get the key. She looks at the object of an intriguing way.
- Why would a key locked inside a trunk? Why the conundrum? What should you so special that key? - Think Canora.
The night is coming faster now, the house is totally dark. Canora not get it, but already after 10 hours, she was so fascinated with that key was not doing something to eat and went right to sleep, she enters his room, now dark, going to bed and put the key on the nightstand beside a moment to look through the ceiling and begins to delight in the savory taste of sleep.